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    Tian Xingmin, Municipal Government Chief Of Gaoyou City, Jiangsu Province, Led A Delegation To Visit The Headquarters of CHINAYONG Group And Reach A Consensus On Cooperation In The Field of Lighting



    On January 25th, 2024, Tian Xingmin, the municipal government chief of Gaoyou City, Jiangsu Province, and his delegation were invited to visit the headquarters of CHINAYONG Group. Guan Hailong, vice president of the Group, and relevant department heads of the Group held a work conference with Chief Tian Xingmin and his delegation. Zhao Fazhong, General Manager of Planning and News Business Unit of Group, first introduced the overall investment and recent achievements of CHINAYONG Group. Zhang Lishuai, General Manager of CHINAYONG Lighting Technology Co. Ltd., introduced the Group's business development in the lighting field and proposed specific ideas for cooperation with Gaoyou City in the realm of lighting industry. After listening to relevant information, Chief Tian Xingmin stated that the government of Gaoyou City will fully support in-depth cooperation with CHINAYONG Group in the field of lighting, and strive to achieve fruitful results as soon as possible. At the same time, he also looks deeply into other investment fields with CHINAYONG Group, seizing new cooperative opportunities. The Vice President Guan Hailong stated in his concluding speech that Chairman Li Yong and group leaders are attaching giant importance to the business expansion of CHINAYONG Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. They will strongly support the deep cooperation between CHINAYONG Lighting and Gaoyou City. Meanwhile, they will conduct in-depth research on cooperation with Gaoyou City in other investment fields, and strive to implement high-quality projects as soon as possible in order to achieve mutual benefits and win-win results. Deputy Municipal Chief of Gaoyou City, Shi Meishan, and General Manager of Investment Department of the Group, Liu Zhenxiang, and many others attended the conference.











    Vice President of the Group, Guan Hailong, led relevant department heads of the Group to take a assembly photo with Chief of Gaoyou City of Jiangsu Province, Tian Xingmin, and his delegation at the hall on the first floor of Group Headquarters for commemorating this occasion.




    Vice President of the Group, Guan Hailong, led relevant department heads of the Group to take a assembly photo with Chief of Gaoyou City of Jiangsu Province, Tian Xingmin, and his delegation at the hall on the first floor of Group Headquarters for commemorating this occasion.


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