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    CHINAYONG Group At The Fourth-Session Of Third-Round Member Conference Of Heilongjiang Enterprise Chamber of Commerce in Beijing Received The "Award Of Investment for Hometown"


    On the afternoon of March 15th, the third general assembly of the fourth-session of the third-round Beijing Heilongjiang Enterprise Chamber of Commerce was grandly held in the Great Banquet Hall of the Taihu Performing Arts Hotel in the Beijing Urban Sub center. Commissioned by Chairman Li Yong of the Group's Board of Directors, Zhang Chunhu, Executive Vice President, attended the assembly meeting as a representative of the Chamber's Executive Deputy Chair Entity. Gu Zhenchun, a member of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress and the full-time Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Revolution, Wang Zuoshu, a member of the Standing Committee of the 11th and 12th National People's Congress and former Vice Governor of Heilongjiang Province, Cheng Lu and Wang Zhiguo, former Vice Chairmen of China National Federation of Industry and Commerce, Leng Youbin, a representative of the 14th National People's Congress, Vice Chairman of China National Federation of Industry and Commerce, President of Dragon Chamber of Commerce, and Chairman of China Feihe Dairy Industry Co., Yang Ping, Director of the Beijing Office of the Heilongjiang Provincial Government, and Yang Yingjie, Deputy Director of Cultural and Historical Education and Research Department of the Central Party School, and other leaders attended the meeting.

    More than 380 members and representatives of the chamber, and members of supervisory board of the chamber, as well as members of party committee of the Beijing Heilongjiang Enterprise Chamber of Commerce attended the meeting. The conference commended the member enterprises of the Investment For Hometown and also commended the member enterprises of Actively Serving Chamber of Commerce. CHINAYONG Group won the "Award of Investment For Hometown" due to actively investing in and building its hometown. Vice President Zhang Chunhu, on behalf of CHINAYONG Group, received the award on stage.

    On October 18th, 2023, the second national largest entire vanadium flow shared energy storage power station project in China, invested by CHINAYONG Group, landed in Acheng District, Harbin City. This is also the first large-scale shared energy storage demonstration project in Heilongjiang Province. The Acheng CHINAYONG 50MW/200MWh shared energy storage power station is an environmentally friendly project that can increase the utilization rate of green electricity and reduce the use of coal in the area, improve the local environment to a certain extent, and reduce harmful gas emissions to produce good environmental benefits. The construction of this project will also drive the development of the entire vanadium flow battery industry chain and the introduction of corresponding talents, driving the synchronous development of upstream industries such as energy storage medium, proton exchange membranes, and electrode processing and manufacturing.




    CHINAYONG Group was awarded the "Investment For Hometown" at the third-round member conference of the fourth session of the Beijing Heilongjiang Enterprise Chamber of Commerce. The executive vice president of the group, Zhang Chunhu, took the stage to receive the award.

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