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    Song Guoquan, Magistrate of Lintan County, Gansu Province, Led A Delegation To Visit The Headquarters Of CHINAYONG Group And Held Business Negotiations


    On the morning of April 15th, Song Guoquan, the county magistrate of Lintan County, Gansu Province, led a delegation to visit the headquarters of CHINAYONG Group. Vice President Guan Hailong and relevant department heads warmly welcomed and held business negotiations with the magistrate and his delegation. Vice President Guan Hailong briefly introduced the development strategy and business layout of the Group, and elaborated on key business areas such as new energy and intelligent manufacturing. He expressed his willingness to deeply connect with Lintan County, leverage their respective strengths and complement each other's strengths, identifying cooperation fields and implementing high-quality projects as soon as possible to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. County Magistrate Song Guoquan comprehensively elaborated on the county location advantages and resource advantages, as well as economic development characteristics of Lintan county, stating that Lintan is in a critical period of economic transformation and development. It is necessary to cooperate with a strong and responsible large investment group like CHINAYONG to explore local high-quality resources, and improve the speed and grade of Lintan's economic development. He looks forward to CHINAYONG Group sending a delegation to Lintan county for inspection as soon as possible. The Lintan County Committee and Government will make various preparations for CHINAYONG’s visit. In addition, both sides also had in-depth exchanges on specific projects such as new energy and cultural tourism.



    Vice President of the Group, Guan Hailong, led relevant department heads to negotiate with Song Guoquan, Magistrate of Lintan County, Gansu Province and his delegation

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