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    This year, Chinayong Investment Group and its Hometown Longjiang Province have Signed a Cooperation Project of 27.7 Billion Yuan


    The report is forwarded to Beijing Heilongjiang-Enterprise Chamber of Commerce


    This year, Chinayong Investment Group, the executive vice president unit of Beijing Heilongjiang-Enterprise Chamber of Commerce, has increased the attention to the hometown Heilongjiang province in all aspects, carried out investigation and strategical layout from various perspectives, find a number of strategic cooperation opportunities, and sign a large-scale project of 27.7 billion yuan, consisting of two projects exceeding 10 billion yuan. One is the “source network and storage integration and centralized shared energy storage project” with Harbin, reaching 16.9 billion yuan, and the other is “Chinayong new energy and new materials whole industry chain project” with Heihe, reaching 10.8 billion yuan, which makes an important contribution to the revitalization and development of Longjiang province.


    Especially from June to August, under the leadership of Li Yong, executive vice president of the Chamber of Commerce and chairman of the board of directors of Chinayong Investment Group, Chinayong Group visits Harbin, Mudanjiang, Heihe and Greater Khingan Mountains several times for on-the-spot investigation.




    On June 11, Chairman Li Yong attends the Heilongjiang Provincial Revitalization, Development Cooperation and Exchange Conference in Harbin, and on behalf of Huayong Group, signs the “source network storage integration and centralized shared energy storage project with a total investment of 16.9 billion yuan” with Harbin Municipal Government in the witness of Governor Hu Changsheng and other leaders. The total investment of the source network and storage integration project reaches about 10.9 billion yuan. It is planned to invest in the construction of a special gas industrial park project in Harbin. At the same time, a wind power generation base with a total installed capacity of 1.3 GW will be built in Harbin. After the completion of the base, it can provide green energy for the special gas industrial park, thus realizing a “zero carbon park”. The centralized shared energy storage project has a total investment of about 6 billion yuan. It is planned to invest in the construction of 1.5 GW/3GWh grid shared energy storage power stations in batches during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period. The project is planned to cover about 380 mu in total,of which the phase I project is planned to complete the goal of 300MW/600MWh with an investment of about 2.5 billion yuan.





    On June 19, Chairman Li Yong visits Heihe city and hold an exchange meeting for cooperation. The both sides have in-depth exchanges and reach a high consensus on all-round strategic cooperation. Li Xiwen, secretary of Heihe Municipal Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of Municipal People’s Congress, attends the exchange meeting and delivers a speech. Zhao Rongguo, deputy secretary of Heihe Municipal Committee and mayor, presides over the meeting.


    At the exchange meeting, Chairman Li Yong introduces the development of Chinayong Group in recent years and its investment layout in Heilongjiang province. Relevant leaders of Heihe city, and responsible comrades of relevant departments of counties (cities, districts) and municipalities respectively introduce relevant situations and had in-depth exchanges.


    Chairman Li Yong says that Heihe has broad cooperation opportunity due to the superior resource endowment, excellent development environment, and the agreement on cooperation of both sides. In the next step, they will make full use of own advantages to strengthen in-depth cooperation with Heihe in industrial development to Russia, energy and resource development and utilization, and promote mutual benefit and common development.


    On behalf of the Heihe Municipal Party Committee and the Heihe Municipal Government, Secretary Li Xiwen welcomes Chinayong Group delegation to Heihe for inspection and negotiation. He points out that Chinayong Group, as a world-famous large-scale comprehensive investment enterprise, has strong economic strength, extensive business fields, numerous partners, strong sense of social responsibility and great influence. The eight sections involved in the Group have something in common with the current development in Heihe city, and have a bright prospect. He hopes that based on the advantages of Heihe city in location, energy, resources and policies, Chinayong Group will actively participate in practical cooperation between Heihe city and Russia in cross-border industries, energy resources development, scientific and technological innovation, industrial development forums and other fields, and jointly establish a cooperation docking mechanism to promote the implementation of more projects as soon as possible. Heihe will strictly follow the undertaking mechanism, organize special teams to promote the implementation, and vigorously create a good development environment for enterprises to trust the government and feel comfortable to settle down.


    Mayor Zhao Rongguo says, Heihe has entered a strategic window period with numbers of development opportunities and multiple policies. The government is speeding up the construction of an important base undertaking the national “five major security”, a pioneering demonstration area of central cities in border areas, a leading area for prospering the border and enriching local people, a platform for the experimental innovation and development of free trade in border areas in China, and an important national logistics hub for the Russian Far East and Northeast Asia. It is the proper time to invest in Heihe city. He hopes that Chinayong Group will give full play to its advantages in capital, talents, and technology, and participate in the construction and development of Heihe city in all directions. Heihe will provide the best service to ensure the smooth implementation of cooperation projects between the both parties.


    During his stay in Heihe city, Chairman Li Yong and the delegation also visit the planning hall of Heihe Area of FTZ, cross-border electronic commerce Industrial Park, Bonded Logistics Center (Type B), and Cross-river Cableway Project.







    On June 29, Chairman Li Yong goes to Mudanjiang city to inspect investment projects and holds a symposium with municipal leaders. The both sides have in-depth exchanges on deepening cooperation and seeking common development, and reach broad consensus. Yang Tingshuang, secretary of Mudanjiang Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Guojun, deputy secretary and mayor of Mudanjiang Municipal Party Committee, Chen Wenyuan, member of Standing Committee of Municipal Party Committee and director of publicity department, Sun Tao, member of Standing Committee of Municipal Party Committee and secretary general, and other leaders attend the symposium.


    Firstly, Chairman Li Yong introduces the achievements of Chinayong Group in financial securities, intelligent manufacturing, new energy, 5G communication and other fields in recent years, as well as its investment layout in Heilongjiang province. He says that Mudanjiang has superior location conditions, good resource endowment and great development potential. Chinayong Group has something in common with Mudanjiang on the development layout, and both sides have a solid cooperation foundation and broad cooperation prospect. Chinayong Group will give full play to the advantages of it own resources, carry out efficient and pragmatic cooperation with Mudanjiang in related fields, and strive to inject new vitality to the high-quality economic and social development of Mudanjiang.


    On behalf of Mudanjiang Municipal Party Committee and Mudanjiang Municipal Government, Secretary Yang Tingshuang extends a warm welcome to Chairman Li Yong and the delegation, and expresses sincere gratitude to Chinayong Group for its attention on the economic and social development in Mudanjiang. Yang Tingshuang says that Chinayong Group, as a world-famous large-scale comprehensive investment enterprise, has great influence in the world. The visit of Chinayong Group represented by Chairman Li Yong to Mudanjiang conveys a obvious signal for the municipal government and the enterprise to share business opportunities and create a win-win future.


    Yang Tingshuang says that Mudanjiang, as an open city along the border, an excellent tourist city in China, and a regional central city in the southeast of Heilongjiang province, plays an important role in coordinating the “Two Overall Situations” at home and abroad and the “Two Major Issues” of development and security. Mudanjiang has superior location, concentrated platforms, beautiful landscape, rich resources, great development potential, long history, solid foundation, complete elements, and broad prospect. The investment involved in Chinayong Group are deeply in line with the revitalization goals and development foundation in Mudanjiang. He hopes that both parties will give full play to the resource advantages, jointly build a platform, comprehensively deepen cooperation, and achieve common development. Mudanjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will do a good job for Chinayong Group as a liaison, an information officer, a fighter, and especially a service supplier, make every effort to create the best investment environment for enterprises to establish good mutual relationship, ensure the investment security, increase the revenue, and respect the investors, and create a new engine for economic development.


    Mayor Zhang Guojun says that the symposium opens a new chapter for Mudanjiang and Chinayong Group to work together to promote development, which will inject strong development momentum into Mudanjiang city to achieve high-quality development and accelerate all-round revitalization. He hopes that Chairman Li Yong and other entrepreneurs will often come back to Mudanjiang, give more valuable opinions and suggestions, and provide more help and guidance, so as to help the revitalization and development in Mudanjiang.


    In addition, Chairman Li Yong and the delegation also visit Mudanjiang Bonded Logistics Center (Type B), WanDing Dairy, Sino-agriculture Cold Chain Logistics, Heibao Pharmaceutical, Hengyuan Pharmaceutical, and Cifengtang Northeast Black Bee Hall, and listen to the introduction of Hualin Industrial Park.






    On July 2nd, the 2022 High-end Summit for National Federation of Industry and Commerce Chairman and National Conference for Excellent Private Enterprises on Promoting High-quality Development in Heilongjiang is held in Harbin with the theme of “Strive for a New Journey and Create a New Glory in Heilongjiang”. Chairman Li Yong is invited to attend and Gao Yunlong, vice chairman of CPPCC National Committee and chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, participates in the meeting and delivers a speech. Xu Qin, secretary of Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Congress, delivers a speech, and Hu Changsheng, deputy secretary of Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and governor, makes a keynote presentation. Xu Lejiang, vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, Party Secretary and Executive Vice Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Huang Jiansheng, Chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference, and Wang Zhijun, Deputy Secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee attend the conference. Xu Jianguo, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of United Front Department, presides over the conference.


    Well-known private entrepreneurs from all over the country gather in Heilongjiang to share opportunities, seek cooperation and create a better future in 17 industrial fields, including digital economy, bio-economy, ice and snow economy, energy, and food. The conference releases “Opportunities for Investment Cooperation and Development in Heilongjiang Province”, which brings together four new engines of economic development, five strategic emerging industries, six traditional advantageous industries, seven production and living service industries, and other investment fields and areas with the great development potential in Heilongjiang province. The new opportunities for revitalization, cooperation and development attract investors to involve in the new fields and bravely challenge the new blue ocean. At the conference, Chinayong Group, Beijing Jianlong Heavy Industry Group, and Beiyao Pharmaceutical Group also sign contracts with Harbin, Heihe, Mudanjiang and other local governments respectively. Chairman Li Yong signs the “Chinayong New Energy and New Materials Whole Industry Chain Project” with Heihe Municipal Government on behalf of Chinayong Group, with a total investment of 10.8 billion yuan, ranking the second largest contracted project in the province.


    In his speech, President Gao Yunlong points out that the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Government jointly held this conference, which is of great significance for bringing together the private enterprises, facilitating the reform of traditional industrial bases, and promoting the economic revitalization and high-quality development of Northeast China. He hopes that private enterprises will take the initiative to respond to the national strategy, actively participate in the reform of state-owned enterprises, give full play to the advantages of flexible mechanism and high efficiency of resource allocation, and deeply participate in the optimization of industrial structure, the promotion of industrial kinetic energy, and the construction of industrial chain in Heilongjiang so as to jointly build advantageous industrial clusters, and make own contributions to the promotion of high-quality development and comprehensive revitalization of Heilongjiang province.


    On behalf of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Government, Secretary Xu Qin expresses warm congratulations on the convening of the conference, sincere welcome to all the distinguished guests, and heartfelt thanks to people from various industries who concern and support the development of Heilongjiang province. He says that Heilongjiang keeps moving ahead in a new journey with a new look, is ready to create a brilliant future with a spirit of struggle, and is willing to share opportunities, make great achievements and realize dreams in the vibrant black land, and jointly promote the local development and national prosperity. Heilongjiang will strive to create a market-oriented, legal, and international first-class business environment, so that investors can focus on the start-up investment regardless of security, policy and other problems. He sincerely welcome everyone to visit beautiful Heilongjiang, enjoy the scenery of the north China, seize the development opportunities and create a better future.


    Vice Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Vice Chairman of the China Folk Chamber of Commerce, and some representatives of the Standing Committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, relevant leaders of Heilongjiang Province and Harbin City, and principal responsible comrades of relevant units directly subordinate to the province and cities (districts) attend the conference.








    From July 5 to 8, Chairman Li Yong leads a delegation to Greater Khingan Mountains for project investigation and holds a cooperation conference. Both sides reach broad consensus on deepening project cooperation and achieving win-win development. Xu Xiangguo, secretary of Greater Khingan Mountains Committee, Fan Qinghua, commissioner of Greater Khingan Mountains Administrative Office, and other regional leaders accompany the inspection and attend the cooperation conference.


    Chairman Li Yong and the delegation spend 3 days and travel more than 1,600 kilometers to visit Jiagedaqi, Songling District, Huma County, Mohe City, Tahe County, Xinlin District, and related enterprises to make suggestions, seek development, talk about cooperation and promote win-win on the development of cultural tourism, green mining and cold biology industries.


    Chairman Li Yong and the delegation first come to Songling Molybdenum-Lead-Zinc Mine Industrial Park, Songling Molybdenum-Lead-Zinc Polymetallic Mine, Lingebei Cold Zone Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and Nenjiang Source Scenic Spot of Nanwenghe National Wetland Nature Reserve to carry out on-the-spot inspection on the operation of enterprises, supporting facilities construction, raw material reserve and ecological civilization construction. Chairman Li Yong says that the mineral resources in Greater Khingan Mountains have large reserves, excellent quality and convenient transportation, which should be fully developed and utilized to provide new kinetic energy for increasing the national rare metal output and prospering the local economy. It is necessary to make full use of the extremely rich biological resources in cold regions, develop several “bestseller” products with broad prospects and unique characteristics, expand markets for enterprises, and create greater glories on the road of development of biological industries in cold regions.


    Chairman Li Yong and the delegation visit Greater Khingan Mountains, North Pole Village and other places in Mohe city. Through on-the-spot investigation, negotiation, and exchange, he speaks highly of the investment environment and prospects in Mohe City. He says that Mohe has obvious location advantages and rich resources. Chinayong Group will give full play to its advantages in resources, talents, financing and management, strengthen docking and negotiation, plan a win-win strategy, focus on in-depth cooperation in all aspects, and work together to create the win-win development.


    In Luding Mountain and Huashan Scenic Area of Huma county, Chairman Li Yong has a detailed understanding of the cultural tourism industry in Huma county by the introduction and on-the-spot investigation. He says that Greater Khingan Mountains has beautiful scenery, which is an excellent place for leisure and health care. There are rich historical and cultural resources, pure natural forest resources, and water resources. Chinayong Group will further accelerate the implementation of cooperation and promote both sides to move forward hand in hand and seek mutual development.


    At the “Coordinate Point for Love” in Xinlin, Chairman Li Yong listens to the design concept of the unique “Coordinate Point for Love” in the world and the general survey project of Xiaokele River Copper-Molybdenum Metal Mine. He says that Xinlin has superior natural conditions, good ecological environment, unique landscape, and rich mineral resources. Chinayong Group and Xinlin will continue to strengthen exchanges, give full consideration to cooperation in the fields of eco-tourism development and mineral development, and make contributions to promoting the high-quality development of Xinlin.


    After completing the project investigation, at the cooperation conference held by Greater Khingan Mountains Party Committee and Administrative Office, Chairman Li Yong says that Greater Khingan Mountains has beautiful scenery, rich resources, profound historical background, and broad development prospects. Chinayong Group will actively carry out multi-faceted and in-depth cooperation with Greater Khingan Mountains in eco-tourism, cold bio-industry and green mining to achieve mutual benefit and common development.


    In the terms of eco-tourism development in Greater Khingan Mountains, Chairman Li Yong suggests deeply integrating existing tourism resources, reasonably planning the travel route to connect scattered scenic spots and form intensive development, creating the top-class scenic spots on in-depth cultural experience tours and high-end ecological sightseeing tours, enhancing the culture, taste and connotation of tourism projects, using We-Media platform to effectively and rapidly promote tourism brand, and revitalizing original tourism assets by undertaking large-scale business activities to create local tourism brand. In the terms of the development and utilization of mining resources, Chairman Li Yong suggests that the mine reform should be vigorously carried out on the premise of protecting the ecological environment, so as to stimulate the production of mineral enterprises, build green mines and garden mines, and provide new kinetic energy for economic development. For the development of cold bio-industry, the existing local enterprises should be reformed multiple times to reposition the consumption orientation. Efforts should be made to develop and produce new products with high scientific and technological content, and industrial added value that meet market demand. He says that Chinayong Group will provide financial, technical and sales support to help the transformation and revitalization in Greater Khingan Mountains and create greater glories.


    Secretary Xu Xiangguo points out that Chinayong Group, as a worldwide large-scale comprehensive investment enterprise, has a wide range of business fields, powerful economic strength and a strong sense of social responsibility. During this investigation, valuable opinions and suggestions are put forward for Greater Khingan Mountains in terms of tourism resources integration and mineral resources development. They will further strengthen the negotiation and communication with Chinayong Group, and facilitate the exchanges and cooperation between the two sides.


    Commissioner Fan Qinghua emphasizes that, relevant departments should take the resource advantages and development prospects of Greater Khingan Mountains into consideration from the perspectives of market and capital. They should quickly sort out the relevant data of industrial development, have a better understanding of the resources, set up special teams, take the initiative to communicate and establish a regular working mechanism, discuss and formulate the timetable, schedule and plan of cooperation projects, and promote the cooperation between the two sides to achieve greater results.


    At the conference, the two sides have in-depth exchanges on detailed matters, defining the direction for the next stage of work. Relevant departments of Greater Khingan Mountains, responsible comrades of counties (cities, districts) and representatives of some enterprises attend the conference. After the meeting, Chairman Li Yong accepts an exclusive interview with Greater Khingan Mountains TV Station.






    On July 24, Chairman Li Yong, as the mentor of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises, visit Harbin and Heihe in Heilongjiang with the delegation of China Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Association. The delegation is led by Li Zibin, president of China Small and Medium Enterprises Association. Xu Qin, secretary of Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, and Hu Changsheng, deputy secretary of Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and governor, meet the delegation in Harbin.


    Secretary Xu Qin extends a warm welcome to President Li Zibin and the delegation on behalf of Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Government. He says that Heilongjiang is rich in natural resources, solid in industrial base, unique in location and excellent in ecological environment, undertaking the great political responsibility of safeguarding “Five Major Security”. The 13th Provincial Party Congress fully implements the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and introduces the great vision of carrying out “Six Heilongjiang Layout” and realizing “Eight Revitalization Goals”.


    Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Government will resolutely implement important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping to Heilongjiang, systematically plan the economic system, industrial system and innovation system, focus on creating new engines for economic development such as digital economy, bio-economy, ice and snow economy and creative design industry, develop and expand strategic emerging industries such as aerospace and electronic information, empower and upgrade traditional advantageous industries such as energy, petrochemical and food, vigorously develop productive and life service industries, carry out special actions for industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, improve a comprehensive innovation ecosystem, formulate policies and measures such as “60 Articles” for talent revitalization in Heilongjiang in the new era, create a market-oriented, legal and international first-class business environment, and vigorously promote the revitalization in all aspects. He hopes that entrepreneurs will visit Heilongjiang to find the matching point of development cooperation, bring advanced technology, innovative thinking, marketing concept and high-quality capital to Heilongjiang, put the cooperation intention into practice, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.


    President Li Zibin fully affirms the achievements in economic and social development of Heilongjiang province. He says that Heilongjiang has a large area with rich resources and a solid foundation in industry, scientific research and talents. He emphasizes that it is necessary to firmly implement the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, continuously improve the business environment, deepen the reform of institutional mechanisms, change government functions, put the policies into practice, provide more services with high efficiency, protect the legitimate rights and interests of entrepreneurs, and vigorously develop economy in combination with the practical situations in Heilongjiang. Heilongjiang will be revitalized in all directions and has a bright future.


    President Li points out that the development of small and medium-sized enterprises has shown two obvious characteristics in recent years: one is that more and more enterprises are aware of the importance of digital transformation and constantly accelerate the pace of digital transformation. Digital transformation has brought profound changes to manufacturing production methods, development models and enterprise forms. Digital transformation has shown an accelerated development trend and entered a new climax; the other is to develop the private economy, expand small and medium-sized enterprises, persist in the road of specialization and innovation, deal with the limitation of industrial chain and supply chain, and encourage the development of specialized and innovative enterprises. It is a new understanding of the CPC Central Committee on transforming the mode of economic development. Only by encouraging technological innovation and digital transformation can small and medium-sized enterprises create a new road of specialization and innovation, which is one of the important foundations for the future development of Heilongjiang. The Association will continue to play the role as a bridge, make full use of its own platform and advantages, and promote more enterprises to invest and develop in Heilongjiang.


    During the meeting, Chairman Li Yong says that Chinayong Group has recvently increased the investment layout in Heilongjiang, and he feels very cordial this time. He is looking forward to finding new cooperation opportunities and speeding up the implementation of more good projects in Heilongjiang. In the speech, some other entrepreneurs says they immediately experience vigorous atmosphere of revitalization and development in Heilongjiang. Heilongjiang has a rapid development momentum and a promising future. In additional, Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Government have made great efforts to create a first-class business environment, which makes them full of confidence in investing in Heilongjiang. They will continue to expand cooperation areas, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.


    Zhang Anshun, member of the Standing Committee of Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and secretary of Harbin Municipal Party Committee, Wang Yixin, member of the Standing Committee of Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and vice governor, and Yu Hongtao, member of the Standing Committee of Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and secretary General, attend the conference.






    On June 10, at the invitation of Li Yonglai, party secretary and chairman of State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd., Chairman Li Yong visits State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. and discusses cooperation. Chairman Li Yonglai warmly welcomes Chairman Li Yong and the delegation in the company, praises large-scale new energy investment layout of Chinayong Group in Harbin, briefly introduces the development of State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. in recent years, and expresses his expectation to carry out in-depth cooperation with Chinayong Group on power grid construction and new energy.


    Chairman Li Yong expresses sincere thanks to Chairman Li Yonglai for his kind invitation. He briefly introduces the “Source Network Storage Integration and Centralized Shared Energy Storage Project with a total investment of 16.9 billion yuan” signed by the Group and Harbin Municipal Government and other investment projects in Heilongjiang, He quite approve of the Chairman Li Yongla’s expectation for in-depth cooperation between the two parqqties. He and the senior management of the Group will always support Chinayong and State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd., seek for cooperation opportunities and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.


    State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of State Grid Co., Ltd., a super-large state-owned backbone enterprise, which undertakes the task of building, operating and maintaining Heilongjiang Power Grid, and safe and reliable power supply in the whole power supply area. The power supply area of the company reaches 470,000 square kilometers, accounting for 58.3% of the total power supply area in Northeast China, serving 18.7 million customers and 38 million users. 

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