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    BC New Energy News: BC New Energy is Invited to Attend the Bank-Enterprise Docking Meeting on Shanxi Clean and Efficient Utilization of Coal and Carbon Emission Reduction Projects


    In order to better implement the policies and regulations issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and meet the requirements of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Shanxi Provincial Government, we accelerate the clean and efficient utilization of coal and carbon emission reduction, facilitate the green and low-carbon transformation of the energy industry in Shanxi Province, and make every effort to be the leader of the energy revolution. On June 27, the Bank-Enterprise Docking Meeting on Shanxi Clean and Efficient Utilization of Coal and Carbon Emission Reduction Projects is jointly organized by Taiyuan Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, Shanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Shanxi Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and Shanxi Provincial Energy Administration. The meeting is presided over by Chang Guohua, the director of Shanxi Provincial Finance Office. More than 80 people participate in the meeting, including leaders of Shanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Shanxi Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and affiliated company, and Shanxi Provincial Energy Administration, 19 bank representatives, and 38 enterprise representatives .



    Representatives of BC New Energy and Dinglun Energy, the project company, are invited to attend the meeting



    Zhang Jifu, member of the Standing Committee of Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and executive vice governor, attends the meeting and gives a keynote speech





    Zhang Jifu points out that promoting carbon peak and carbon neutralization is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee, and supporting the energy sector, especially the green and low-carbon transformation of the coal industry, is an important responsibility and mission of financial industry. The provincial party committee and provincial government attach great importance to this project. All departments and enterprises should deeply understand the important role of financial support for energy transformation in the current environment, earnestly implement the deployment of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and provincial government, make full use of policy instrument, and pay attention to the implementation of policies so as to jointly promote the high-quality development of the energy industry and accelerate the realization of green and low-carbon transformation in Shanxi.


    He emphasizes that China proposes the structural policy instrument, that is, the clean and efficient utilization of coal and carbon emission reduction supporting instrument, to focus on the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, which is a rare opportunity for our province. Based on our own advantages, we should seize the opportunity, make every effort to improve the ability to supply and undertake the project, comprehensively promote bank-enterprise cooperation, and strive for more preferential financial resources for Shanxi. We should improve the quality and efficiency, explore and optimize more good projects to not only implement the supporting projects on the development, use, storage and supply of coal, but also speed up the layout of traction projects such as pumped storage and energy storage power stations in the field of new energy.


    He points out that serving the real economy is the bounden duty of finance industry. The purpose of this docking meeting is to play a guiding role, create a model of bank-enterprise cooperation based on the government platform, and improve the quality of financial services for the real economy in the province. We should sum up experience, build a long-term mechanism and a better platform for bank-enterprise cooperation, and introduce more financial sources to flow into the run-down areas of the real economy.


    The meeting is presided over by Chang Guohua, the director of Shanxi Provincial Finance Office. More than 80 people participate in the meeting, including leaders of Shanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Shanxi Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and affiliated company, and Shanxi Provincial Energy Administration, 19 bank representatives, and 38 enterprise representatives. At the meeting, the People’s Bank of China Taiyuan Central Sub-branch makes policy interpretation and Shanxi Provincial Energy Administration introduces the project. 15 banks and 13 enterprises sign a credit agreement of 29.8 billion yuan on site. Dinglun Energy gets support from the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Shanxi Provincial Government on 30MW flywheel energy storage independent frequency modulation project, and signs the framework cooperation agreement with local financial institutions. (Legal representative of Dinglun Energy is the first from the left, President of Huaxia Bank is the second from the left)




    This on-site docking has fruitful results, reaching more than 50 billion yuan of bank-enterprise cooperation intention. On behalf of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Shanxi Provincial Government, Zhang Jifu congratulates them on the successful cooperation.



    The 30MW flywheel energy storage project of Dinglun Energy Technology (Shanxi) Co., Ltd. is the only new energy storage project that uses flywheel energy storage technology alone to achieve auxiliary services of frequency modulation.



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