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    High Technology

    Scientific and technological innovation is the first driving force of economic development and the key factor to promote economic and social development. As a professional investment institution, Huayong group gives full play to the advantages of financial capital to provide financial guarantee for the early-stage R&D of high-tech enterprises and the marketization of relevant R&D achievements.

    High Technology

    Scientific and technological innovation is the first driving force of economic development and the key factor to promote economic and social development. As a professional investment institution, Huayong group gives full play to the advantages of financial capital to provide financial guarantee for the early-stage R&D of high-tech enterprises and the marketization of relevant R&D achievements.  In the development history of nearly 20 years, Huayong has successfully invested in many fields, while more than a dozen high-tech enterprises with industry influence have successfully exited, the innovative partners of Huayong investment have all obtained the certification of Specialized, Refinement, Differential, and Innovation little giant, and national high-tech enterprise, which has contributed a considerable strength to the development of Chinese science and technology enterprises. Typical cases: flywheel energy storage technology, non-contact liver disease screening technology, new glass material application technology, artificial intelligence imaging, railway intelligent flaw detection, UAV technology, etc.

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