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    International Business

    In terms of international business, ChinaYong Group is one of the earliest large private enterprises to develop abroad. The Group has a wide distribution in Europe, America, Africa, East Asia and other regions, always adheres to the national policy on going out and “the Belt and Road”, forges ahead with determination, develops bravely, and achieves good investment performance. 

    International Business

    In terms of international business, ChinaYong Group is one of the earliest large private enterprises to develop abroad. The Group has a wide distribution in Europe, America, Africa, East Asia and other regions, always adheres to the national policy on going out and “the Belt and Road”, forges ahead with determination, develops bravely, and achieves good investment performance. China’s first overseas high-tech industry incubator invested by the Group in the University of Leuven in Walloon, Belgium, has promoted exchanges and cooperation between China and Europe in the field of high and new technology, which has received great attention from President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and other party and state leaders. The Group also acquires the world’s largest modified vehicle company - Carat Group, which has world-class chassis technology and 8 factories around the world, produces 80% of the armored vehicles in Europe and 40% of the bulletproof vehicles in the world. This acquisition has great strategic significance for the transformation and upgrading of China’s automotive equipment.

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