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    The Group goes on donating to the nursing home reconstructed after disaster in Dujiangyan


    Group President Li Yong made a further 5 million yuan donation to be used for Dujiangyan’s reconstruction of nursing home after disaster in the company of Li Hongren who is the Deputy Director of Sichuan Provincial People's Congress. After the earthquake in Wenchuan 2008, the Group has donated several times to Dujiangyan and been very highly commended and recognized.



    President Li Yong and the leaderships of Sichuan Province at the donation ceremony.

    R3: Li Hongren, Deputy Director of Sichuan Provincial People's Congress

    L3: Yang Chengyu, Deputy Standing Director of Organization Department of Chengdu Municipal Party Committee

    L2: Tan Xiaochun, Member of Standing Committee of Dujiangyan Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of Politics and Law Committee.

    R2: Hu Guicai, Vice Chairman of Dujiangyan Committee of CPPCC

    R1: Gao Shan, Deputy Major of Dujiangyan city.



    President Li Yong donated 3 million yuan to Dujiangyan Charity Federation.



    President Li Yong donated 2 million yuan to Dujiangyan Ageing Development Foundation



    President Li Yong inspected Dujiangyan Nursing Home which is under construction in the company of the leaderships of Sichuan Province.


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